Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Holidays(so much for holidays)

Happy holiday guys or should I say, (happy boredom for 2 months of doing nothing useful but dying of boredom.Hope you guys will live to see another year jkjk).I know I'm bored, but i'm in the midst of making something big so I'll spend my whole holiday just doing that.(wow so much for holidays).Anyway, now I'm currently suffering from boredom just like the rest of you, but I'm really looking forward to that trip to Gold Coast sooo you know lah just suffer for a bit longer then enjoy liaw.Here's a poem that i wrote about holidays.Hope you like it.

Sit around in my pyjamas, laze about all day,
Wallowing in simplicity while the days just fade away,
Wishing every school day could be this,
Doing absolutely nothing, what perfect heavenly bliss.

No teachers and some homework, just hanging out with my mates,
Or busy doing nothing, staying up late,
Raid the cupboards and the fridge, eat all the crisps that I call brunch,
Devour my breakfast in the afternoon, way way past lunch.

Watch scary movies with the curtains closed pulled,
Still awake at 4AM, scared of what I saw-whatever it was called,
Lay ins, stay ins, day ins, beats Maths and History,
Would rather be born idle and watch a mystery.

Gone now for the next few weeks are English and P.E,
Would rather be indolent and watch TV,
I've lost track of the days and time, keep deep in apathy,
But, got to admit while school's out, I enjoy some lethargy.

Fed up with my newly ironed uniform, the whole curiculum,
Enjoy the weekly shopping-even with my mum,
But when new year arrives, I'll have to be more enthustiastic,
My batteries will have recharged and school won't be so drastic.

Happy holidays ya'll.Hope you have a good one!!!

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